
Online Learning – A Catalyst for Narrowing the Education Gap in Bangladesh

Online education throughout the world has been recently going through a boom, currently offering fully-fledged degrees from some of the world’s top universities on platforms like edX and Coursera. Though they haven’t gone as far as to replace traditional classroom learning, they have provided alternative avenues for those seeking quality education and are constrained by […]

The Cow that’s Saving the Beef Industry

Translated in the ‘Festival of Sacrifice’, Eid ul-Adha is a Muslim holiday celebrated throughout the world by commonly sacrificing sheeps, goats, and cows, and donating a third of the meat go to underprivileged and poor. And for a long period of time in Bangladesh, a majority of cows for the sacrifice had come from India. […]

From Labor to Automation — The Rise of Fast Fashion at the Cost of Bangladesh

Coupled with artificial intelligence and the internet of things, automation has become a key necessity in the 4th industrial revolution, automating complex processes which were once only possible through humans. And as the tides change throughout the world with the new developments in technology and remaking of global supply chains due to the US China […]

Production of Milk Unable to Meet Local Demand

Milk is a great source of calcium and phosphorous required for healthy growth of bones and teeth, and an essential ingredient in growth and proper functioning of the body. For proper development, the recommended intake to meet a quarter of daily protein requirements is 200-250 ml of milk or 15-20g of milk powder (FAO report) […]

Impact Investing: The Nine Principles for Impact Management

The principles for impact management were developed in response to a lack of discipline in managing investments for impact, making it difficult to draw a clear line between impact investing and other forms of responsible investing. The IFC, in consultation with external stakeholders drafted and officially launched the Principles for Impact Management this year in […]

Belt and Road Initiative – China’s New Silk Road

The ancient Silk Road was once a trading route facilitating the transport of goods and technology between China and the Roman Empire. Through this route, silk was first transported to the west among many other then exotic goods. The trade route spanned a 6,400 km road following the Great Wall of China, crossing deserts and […]

An Overview of Agriculture in Bangladesh

For most, agriculture is a means of food security, but it is a livelihood for a vast population in Bangladesh and a means of reducing poverty (accounting for 90% of reduction in poverty between 2005 and 2010 [2]) and fostering sustainable economic development. It is a sector that is strategically favorable to Bangladesh given its […]

Bangladesh Power Sector – Filling the Gap in Demand

Bangladesh is a bustling country with a total population of now 164 million with over 46% under the age of 25, the majority of whom are acclimatized to growing up with electronic devices in their homes. And with increasing urbanization and development of rural and suburban regions, the availability of electricity plays a crucial role […]

Agro-Processing Leading Agriculture to Higher Value Exports

For a country in which an estimated every 2 of 5 people work in agriculture, which is a significant contributor to the country’s GDP, agro-processing is an industry that hold tremendous value which has yet to achieve its full potential. One of the reasons behind this is that the majority of raw materials required for […]

Shrimp – The Black Bengal Tiger

Bangladesh’s shrimp exports, which once contributed $590 mn in FY12, has been on the decline, falling 8.37% to $408 mn in FY181 as the demand for black tiger and freshwater prawns have gone down due Vannamei shrimp (which is not grown in Bangladesh) dominating the world market at a lower price point. This drop in […]

Developing a Data-Driven Ecosystem to Foster Economic Growth

Data is to oil as value is to money, an analogy to emphasize the importance of data in the modern day era. Data has become a driving factor to success in the global economy. In its absence, we struggle to discern what competitors are up to, what the latest market trends are, and most important, […]

Bangladesh’s Golden Fiber Exports Facing Bottlenecks

The jute industry in Bangladesh has been present since the 1950s, contributing to a major share of the manufacturing sector and employment in the 60s and 70s. In the 1970s, the sector contributed 89.9% of overall exports [2], thus earning the reputation for being the golden fiber of the country. Today there is a weak […]

Bangladesh Leather Industry – From Hazaribagh to Savar

The leather industry has been developing on a large scale since the 1970s and is currently worth around $1.90 bn with 40% of the total demand being met from imports [2]. However, the leather industry has recently been facing a gradual decline in export earnings. In FY18, exports of leather, leather goods, and footwear were […]

Impact Investing: Bringing Greater Purpose to Businesses

The world is undergoing a fundamental shift in the way it views businesses as consumers are growing ever more aware of the impacts businesses have on their environment and in their society. Climate change, poverty, inequality, prosperity, peace, access to basic utilities, work and education among many other issues has pushed the UN’s formation of […]

Can Bangladesh Spur Growth Through IoT?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the next big technological revolution hitting the world connecting everyday items like coffee machines and door locks through sensors and actuators to a computer system through the use of the Internet. And in doing so, people are able to integrate the power of computing into their everyday lives. […]
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